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مرحبا يا  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 060111020601hjn4r686 ahmedomarmohamad  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 060111020601hjn4r686 نشكر لك إنضمامك الى أسرة منتدى سنا مصر ونتمنى لك المتعة والفائدة
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  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras

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عدد المساهمات : 9271
 كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 7aV76083
الدولة : مصر
وسام الأدارى المميز
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/11/2010
الوسام الذهبى
الموقع : سنا مصر
مزاجى :  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 823931448
المهنة :  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras Profes10

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The present set of notes treats the general theory of von Neumann
I have confined the discussion to algebras acting in separable
Hilbert spaces and have systematically emphasized the use of direct
integral decompositions.
The integral decomposition theory reduces the
study of W-* algebras to the study of factors.
In developing the von
Neumann-Murray analysis of factors I have used the straightforward and
relatively pedestrian methods of the original papers rather than the
elegant but somewhat more abstract approach which one finds in the
well-known work of Dixmier on this subject.
The main remaining problem
in the field is undoubtedly that of the structural classification of
Proofs of the existence of at least three non-isomorphic
factors of types II and III are given in the present notes.
The results
presented have recently been extended very considerably by Powers in the
type III case; he has succeeded in showing that there are uncountably
many distinct factors of type III.
Strikingly, these examples have been
suggested by the quantum theory of fields, thereby verifying von
Neumann's earlier feeling that W-* algebras would exhibit interesting
relationships to quantum theory.

 كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 25515


 كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 97439


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صاحبة المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 9271
 كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 7aV76083
الدولة : مصر
وسام الأدارى المميز
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/11/2010
الوسام الذهبى
الموقع : سنا مصر
مزاجى :  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras 823931448
المهنة :  كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras Profes10

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras    كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras I_icon10الثلاثاء 20 ديسمبر - 22:00

 كتاب الجبر - W-* Algebras Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNjt32VX8PkCHK1aisZZrTxWu2g60jlR0wQULXPWCDPZGNpAcF-g&t=1
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